Host your website for free with GitHub Pages (step-by-step)

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Published: 15.05.2022

Are you looking for a way to host your website or application for free? Then maybe GitHub Pages is the solution you are looking for!

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What are GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service provided by GitHub. It uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript inside a repository to publish your website to the web! The coolest thing… all of this is completely free of charge. Meaning you can use GitHub Pages to host the landing page of your next project or the complete project (depending on the type) on the web for free!

Some questions regarding GitHub Pages

What can you host with GitHub Pages and what not?

You can use GitHub Pages to host every type of static site. That means that the website is delivered to the user exactly as you defined it with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

On the other hand, you cant use GitHub Pages to host applications that require server-side technologies (like express js) to run.

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How is the URL of your final site structured?

The basic URL structure is:


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One exception is the URL structure for a repository named like The resulting URL is:

Can you use your domain?


For a subdomain, you have to create a CNAME record pointing from to

For an apex domain, you either have to create an A record pointing to,, or Or an AAAA record pointing to 2606:50c0:8000::153, 2606:50c0:8001::153, 2606:50c0:8002::153 or 2606:50c0:8003::153.

What state does the repository have to be in?

The repository has to be public if you are using GitHub Free, or it can be private if you use GitHub Pro.

How to create a free GitHub Pages Website?

For a complete overview, we will first host the site to GitHub Pages through the web UI, and then do the same by using the gh-pages npm package.

Host GitHub Pages through the Web UI

Before we start publishing to the web, we need a project and an associated GitHub Repository. For this example, I will use the simple portfolio website we created in this post here.

The basic way of hosting with GitHub Pages is by using the Web UI of your repository!

  1. Head to the settings page of your repository and open the pages tab
Host Website with GitHub Pages  for free: Open GitHub Pages Tab
  1. Select a source branch for your repo (in this case, I will just use main) and save
Host Website with GitHub Pages for free: Select main branch
  1. Wait till the page is finished building and check the provided URL.
Host Website with GitHub Pages for free: Published

Host GitHub Pages through the gh-pages package

The method described before is a really simple way to publish your website, but there is another way that is especially helpful if you use a bundler like vite that includes a build step. This way uses the gh-pages npm package that you can find here. It creates a new branch in your repository and uses that to create the site.

For this step the previous project does not make too much sense, so for this, we will use the same project but build with Tailwind CSS that you can find here.

  1. npm i gh-pages -g # install gh-pages globally
  2. cd create-website-with-html-tw-css # enter the project directory
  3. npm run build # run vite build step (edit base path in the package.json)
  4. gh-pages -d dist # call inside your project with -d and the directory created by the build step

Then check your repository on GitHub and you can see that you successfully published your site to the web:

Host Website with GitHub Pages for free: Hosted with npm package


In this post, we learned how to use GitHub to host a static website for free. You can use this to host the landing page of your next big project or in some cases, you can even host the whole project.

If you used GitHub Pages for one of your projects I would love to see that, so please share it, through the comments below, on Twitter, or any other way!

In case you got some questions regarding this post or anything else regarding your projects feel free to ask! i would love to help you 🙂

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