How To Reset The Admin Account in Pocketbase

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Published: 17.03.2024

Did you forget your Pocketbase Admin credentials, and you now want to reset your account? Then you are in the right place, as we will do exactly that in this short guide! There are two ways based on how you set up Pocketbase. The first one is to use an email, for this you need to have an SMTP set up for your instance. The second way is to directly manipulate the database entry for your account. The benefit of the second method is that it will always work (if you have the correct rights on your machine).

  1. Reset your Pocketbase Admin Account using Email
  2. Reset your Admin Account by manipulating the database entry

Reset your Pocketbase Admin Account using Email

To reset your admin account using email, you have to be logged out of your account, and then you have to go to the admin dashboard in the browser. Below the password field you have a button to reset your account. Click on it and then enter the email address of your admin account.

reset pocketbase admin account: login screen

Inside the email you will find instructions to reset your account.

Reset your Admin Account by manipulating the database entry

For the more complex but also probably more useful way, you have to enter the pb_data directory on your file system and then enter the following command:

sqlite3 data.db 'UPDATE _admins SET passwordHash="$2a$10$xWbkSks7OiTmrri2DU6QSe6OAekcdqkOrkcI1wi4uiv9SU2HTlHoq" where email="<>"'

After that, you head to the login screen of your admin dashboard, enter your email address, and then use the password 123456. Inside the dashboard, you can then click on your profile icon > manage admins and change the password to whatever you want.


I hope this quick guide helped you to reset your admin account in case you forgot your credentials. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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